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標題: 街貓的悲哀
woodstock (JQ)     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
性別 女
UID 19156

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閱讀權限 150
註冊 2007-1-7
狀態 離線

發表於 2007-3-19 04:08 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 

看了花子姐姐在我另一個post的回覆, 令我想起一件關於街猫的傷心事.
我家附近常會看見很多猫走來在去, 有些應是有人養 (外國人會讓猫在外邊玩),
而有些應是街貓. 其中有隻虎紋猫跟我特別要好, 常常會在我出門的時侯,
陪著我走一段路, 牠也是我家的食客之一( 我每天都會餵外邊的猫, 無論有沒有人養),
其实牠之前可能不是街猫, 不知何故會流落到此, 因為牠吃東西的時侯不會狼吞虎嚥,
總是很有禮的吃一點點, 然後會走來我腳邊用個頭碰下我, 喵两聲說多謝. 很多時會
見牠在我家的後院曬太陽. 若果不是早有4隻猫在家, 我一定會收養佢, 現在仍後悔

有一晚深夜回家, 聽見車庫附近傳來微弱的猫叫聲, 走過去一看, 見到牠躺在一堆雜物
上面, 很可憐的看著我, 走近看清楚點, 見到牠的下顎有一個撕裂的傷口, 血淋淋的,
我立刻跑入屋拿毛巾出來把牠包著, 帶回家去, 翌日一早送去看醫生.

醫生說牠是給其他的動物爪傷, 洗傷口縫針之後應無大碍, 之後我便帶牠回家, 打算照顧
一陣直至拆線為止, 可是見牠回家之後, 成日都沒吃過一口東西. 很沒精神, 牠的鼻頭
一點血色也沒有. 隔天再帶牠回去醫生那裹, 便說要留醫做抽血化驗. 那時已有不好
的預感...... 又過了一天, 報告出來說是得了白血病, 應是從傷口感染, 即是說牠被打
傷牠的動物傳染, 已絰沒救了, 唯一可做的是讓牠走得舒服點. 我並沒有想過情況會那麽糟,
那是我和牠相處的最後一刻, 牠好像明白似的只靜靜的看著我, 我邊摸著牠邊不停的
跟牠道歉, 說後悔沒有收養牠, 然後看著牠慢慢的閉上眼睛......

事後朋友都說我不應花大錢在一隻街猫身上, 又救唔番, 但我卻覺得錢花得太遲, 應該一早
帶牠去打防疫針, 這事便不會發生, 也時刻警剔自己要記得每年準時帶我家的猫去打針.

最後編輯: woodstock : 2007-3-19 08:44 AM


MT     Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5
風中藍 (天下第一傻豬)
性別 女
UID 754

精華 1
帖子 24653
積分 2850   詳情

閱讀權限 60
註冊 2006-7-12
來自 去咗火星啦
狀態 離線

發表於 2007-3-19 09:34 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
poor cat ...    if i were u ...   i will do the same ...

don't be regret ...   the cat knows that u already try ur best ...


  花子姐姐     Rank: 1
性別 女
UID 48

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積分 223   詳情

閱讀權限 20
註冊 2006-6-24
來自 忘憂山莊
狀態 離線

發表於 2007-3-19 02:02 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 

原帖由 woodstock 於 2007-3-19 04:08 AM 發表
看了花子姐姐在我另一個post的回覆, 令我想起一件關於街猫的傷心事.
我家附近常會看見很多猫走來在去, 有些應是有人養 (外國人會讓猫在外邊玩),
而有些應是街貓. 其中有隻虎紋猫跟我特 ...



woodstock :
是啊, 那時真的很傷心, 有一段頗長時間都不再跟街猫玩......
下下都是說浪費time and money.....


  ahlun     Rank: 2Rank: 2
性別 保密
UID 33341

精華 0
帖子 5
積分 126   詳情

閱讀權限 30
註冊 2007-5-10
狀態 離線

發表於 2007-10-7 01:16 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
Poor thing

I have a similiar siutaion like you, i have 2 adult cats at my parent's house. And the place that i move out, have couple of street cats, everynight, i will feed them. One of the grey cat with white paws very close to me, i love it very much, i almost want to bring it home, but my friends reminded me that the cat has been living on the street so it might carry some virus. SO i can not bring it back to my parent's house, and i can not bring it back to my rental house. I feel so bad everytime i see him, and we've been friend for almost 6 months. Unfortuntly, i didnt see him for a week, so i drove around to try to find him, and finally, i saw him, he laid at the side of the curb, in between 2 cars, blood all over his mouth and the floor, i stood there and cried. And one guy in the car told me he saw him laid there 2 days already. then i asked him "Did you call animal service to pick it up?" He said NO then walked away. I immediately called Animal Service, of coz its answer machine, i left that message on Firday nite, hopefully they will send serive the next day. NO, saturday i checked, still there, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Still there, Everyday, i called and left tons of messages. Its so painful to see that poor thing laid there, when he was alive, i couldn't help him. He passed away, i still couldn't help him. Fianlly, THursday, Animal service had picked him up. But since then, everytime i drive pass there, i will look at the place and still have the pain inside me. I always hope i can won a lottery or make alot of $$, so i can help all these street cats, give them a home.




woodstock: very sad....
woodstock: RMK added - PID 92198 [ view ]

最後回覆日期: 2007-3-19 03:33 PM

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